We Protect a Property's Title

Title Examination and Insurance

Title Examination and Insurance with Preferred Title of ColoradoA title must be unencumbered before it can be transferred to another owner. Sometimes a title is completely free and clear and that makes for an easy transfer. Other times, however, a title has liens, ownership disputes, unpaid taxes, or other factors that have affected it throughout its life.

Our job at Preferred Title of Colorado is to research the title in order to ensure it is legal to be sold or purchased by our customers. Through our thorough searching, we can guarantee your title will be good to go by the time closing day arrives.

Our Title Examination Process

The title examination process begins when the property is under contract. To clear a title for transfer, Preferred Title of Colorado searches public records and other databases to discover these issues and uses our discoveries to clear mistakes, isolate risk, and perform other forms of reparation. This work is difficult, time-consuming, and tedious because title information isn’t always filed correctly.

One in three searches turns up potential issues that could affect the transfer of the property’s ownership. Once we identify these potential problems, we work to either remedy the problem or provide insurance against the identified risk.

Most of our customers never know the steps our professionals took to protect the process of transferring a title. They simply proceed with their closing knowing that they have a clear title.

What Preferred Title of Colorado searches for in a title examination:

  • Unpaid tax liens
  • Restrictions placed on the property at any point along the chain of title 
  • History of ownership of the property 
  • Past deeds associated with the property
  • Trust and will documents that could potentially affect property ownership

Our professional team executes these critically important examinations to satisfy the determinations that a title is free and clear. Additionally, Preferred Title of Colorado insures a title once we have conducted the examination to eliminate future risk and loss for the title's owner.

Our customers can be assured that, once the title search and exam is complete, the process of transfer can safely move forward and the title can be insured.

The Importance of Title Insurance

Title insurance is an important piece of the title transfer process. At Preferred Title of Colorado, we are proud to issue comprehensive insurance policies that protect the buyer, seller, lender, broker, developer, and anyone else involved in the title transfer. 

For lenders, a title insurance policy is a requirement, but for buyers it is optional. However, sometimes after the title transfer is complete, a claim could arise on the title. This means a problem was discovered with the ownership or unpaid taxes on your title from a previous time during the title's past ownership. 

When this happens, you don't want to be left unprotected or you could lose all the equity you have in your home. It could also affect your right to live in your home. Preferred Title of Colorado wants to make sure you are protected against any potential issues with your title.  Let us issue an insurance policy that will keep your purchase title safe in your hands. 

Leave Your Title And Escrow To The Pros

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